Copy that connects with your people
I can help you explain what you do in a way that resonates with your ideal client through story and strategy.
Many people reached out to say they resonated with my story. My class is now largely full and I get most students through my website. Thank you Jeni for using the words I didn't have.
Roma Loves Yoga
Are you struggling to sell your services?
As a service-based small business owner, trying to write about what you do in a salesy way can be as painful as writing your CV. Why?
Because you're selling YOU. Your skills. Your knowledge. Your presence, maybe.
Competition is fierce and putting yourself 'out there' feels tough, but you know you need to be visible in order to get those clients you dream of working for.
Maybe you've been at this a while and are looking to scale up. To do that, you need a stronger presence - enter, imposter syndrome!
I firmly believe that in order to stand out, attract your ideal clients, and sell with confidence, you need to have a compelling brand story.
And that starts with your About Page.
Content creation a challenge, too?
It's not just about getting your About Page right. The trouble is, if you haven't gone through a process to establish your brand story, what sets you apart from the competition, and your key messages, it's pretty tough to know what to say to connect with your audience. And this includes other pages of your website as well as social media.
Especially if you'd rather be snuggled in a corner, reading a book and keeping yourself to yourself.
I hear you!
You have a story to tell that will attract your ideal client
A solid About Page tells your story, builds trust, and helps you start a conversation
By taking a deep dive into your history, your values, and what makes your service unique, I can help you attract your ideal clients because they just get you. And having an effective About Page is the launch pad from which you can craft compelling content. On your terms.
Because you don't have to dance on reels to get their attention.
Your story creates that emotional connection. And that is enough.
I'm Jeni Whitchurch
I'm a copywriter and messaging strategist with over five years experience in marketing and communications. I'm a sensitive introvert and a multipotentialite (I have studied art, English lit, counselling, oh and teaching, and I have set up a business selling things I've made).
Though I've been freelancing for five years, I've shied away from putting myself 'out there' and I know what it feels like to get stuck with your own brand and messaging–and I'm a copywriter! Being a small biz owner can be lonely, right? I'd love to be a supportive ear and creative brain that can help you get out of your own head and communicate in a way that attracts your ideal audience and feels authentic.
How we can work together
You can sell your services with confidence by establishing your brand and messaging, and I'd love to help. Whenever you're ready we can start with your About Page and go from there. Whether you're just starting out and funds are tight, or you're more established and looking for the next level in your business, I offer three packages that will hopefully meet you where you're at.
If not, contact me for a bespoke package that's as unique as you.